Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I decided to take the point and shoot with me as I went to get Elizabeth from the bus. It had been raining quite a bit, but by this time it had pretty much ended. When we got back to the house I noticed the dirt that had splashed up onto the dog's water bowl. I found the texture quite interesting, and tried to capture it. While I don't think this image is perfect, I do like it. I hope you do as well.
It has been too long since I really focused on my photography. So I decided to create this blog as a way to keep myself thinking and improving my image making abilities. My hope is to post at least one image a week. My hope is that you will not only enjoy the images, but feel free to comment, and even critique. I realize that not all images will suit every individual taste. Rather than putting, I don't like it, or it sucks, tell me why. What is it you don't like? My hope is that between my own expectations of producing images and your feedback, I will grow as a photographer.